It?s official: We?ve crossed the chasm in cloud accounting. This comes from no less an authority than Geoffrey Moore, author of the business bestseller ?Crossing the Chasm,? who coined the term to describe the most critical stage in the technology adoption cycle. [View Fullscreen] Moore was our closing keynote speaker at Digital CPA 2013, which wrapped up on Nov. 22. The ?chasm? in Moore?s tech adoption cycle falls between the ?early adopter? and ?early majority? phases. Once that gap is crossed, the risk of moving to a new technology is outweighed by the risk of not moving there. Firms that thrive will add not just innovation but value-added services, he said during his presentation. Those that don?t ? well, change isn?t required, he said, because ?survival is not mandatory.? So what does it really mean now that we?ve reached this inflection point? Do firms that are traditionally conservative have to abandon a cautious approach and plunge headlong into the cloud? Not really. What is important, though, is that firms accurately assess the competitive landscape and make a plan to suit their business needs. Our CEO, Erik Asgeirsson, has made this a key call to action each year at Digital CPA....
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